The High Priest 33
I was born in London on the 15th September 1980, this means my life & soul number is 333 which makes me a pretty magickal being here on Earth.
This is my Testimony, enjoy.
I have an unexplainable mind and connection to energies that most people can never innerstand, for those that do I want to share some profound knowledge about what I know and what I am permittable to share. These are both beautiful & chaotic times for humanity, so it’s imperative I do my utmost to help bring ancient philosophy that can not only nurture the soul but help ascend it.
I have forever been an outcast, misfit & black sheep in society. I naturally repell authohrity and since I was very young I always knew I had unusual gifts and a deep connection to Ancient Egypt. For most of my life I paid no attention to anything spiritual, however I have had numerous paranormal experiences including near death experiences and astral travel. As I entered into adulthood I was sucked into the Matrix of society where the treadmill of a creative but highly demanding career drained me slowly over time and I descended further from my true self.
This is a familiar pattern shared by many because the system we are born into is one that excludes the spiritual and soul nature of your being. Our physical reality is so vast and consuming that many people can go through their entire lives to the grave only existing in a lower state of consciousness.
In recent years natural shifts in the Earths magnetic field and the solar system has awakened humanity to an ethereal awakening that has helped many people with certain gifts into an online state of activation. This will be something unique to every individual but everyone is sharing the physical shifts that these changes are manifesting. this isn’t anything to fear, although many people have profound deep trauma created by the subjegation of their soul and the psychological programming that takes place across society, a force of structure and control that has been handed down throughout the ages and unknowingly corrupted every generation.
You have to reset your mind to zero to know that everything in our reality is just one state of being. That teher is an entire silent invisible aspect of our Soul which cries out constantly often to no avail.
It takes a vast amount of mental re-programming and research to discover the true mechanics of civilisation and many who dare to venture beyond the veil of Society soon begin to discover the depths and depravity of what humanity has become and where it is heading.
Planet Earth in turmoil due to the greed & stupidity of 1% of Humanity. The World is governed by a handful of powerful families and institutions that reign supreme at the top of the Pyramid just below the Eye of Providence. It is this significant symbol that is the gateway to the hidden force that truely controls humanity. An invisible Architect that has built a system of rulership and money to enslave us. This Force is not a single physical entity or person pulling strings it’s the collective low vibrational unconscious energy that humans produce ourselves.
Placing Religion to one side, the Devil & Heaven need to be re-imagined through a spiritual lens, everything is energy, frequency and vibration. That is the fabric of this holographic reality that the human mind cannot decode physcially or understand mentally. The Soul is an intelligent, eternal source of energy. It was made in the image of it’s creator and it exists in every single atom. Your soul exists entirely inside of you, every fibre of your hair to the tips of your fingers can come alive with soul, Hermetics have often understood the Soul as a tiny version of man within himself. It goes far deeper than that. Your Soul can transport to any part of the Cosmos through Astral Projection, this is just your conscious energy moving through atoms faster than the speed of light. When an amputee loses a limb they can still register sensation because their conscious energy can move through atoms beyond the physical body. Phenomena like telepathy and telekenisis is just the mental configuration of these atoms but this is not something the average human mind can begin to comprehend let alone control.
The Ancient Egyptians first monotheistic God was called Atum, a living God that was in everything, of everything yet invisible. A higher conscious force of love that holds dominion over the physical realms and planes of existence. Death therefore becomes the crossway between the Realms of man and God. In a physical carnation your body vibrates at a very dense energy, this is why one cannot experience heaven on Earth, however a true alchemist knows that the physical structure of man can be transmuted at a celluar level to unlock dna and open up avenues of consciousness in the brain that lay dormant. This untapped potential has been lost for thousands of years. Human beings in the Age of Pisces were subconsciously manipulated mentally and physically to supress this potential. An enslavement of the brain but more importantly the pineal gland, a.k.a The Eye of Horus.
This knowledge in Ancient Egypt was a closely guarded secret, encoded in signs and symbols that became the language of communication for the Kings & Pharoahs. Thoth scribed language and gifted the world the heirglyphs, still badly uncoded by western minds who physically do not have the conscious expansion to innerstand the dimensional knowledge that these symbols possess. The High Priest & High Priestess’ were empowered with the secrets of the Universe and the Mysteries of Magick which had been lost in Time but mishandled by Dark Occultists, the very same slave masters who weild their own signs and symbols over humanity to enforce their written laws to rule.
I have an inane ability to not only study this ancient knowledge but to put it into practice this is why I am a 333 and a True High Priest. I hope my words and art help sooth your soul and heal your heart.